Today I am going to write my reviews on mazaa mango juice.
Based on my real experience.Yes I drinks lot of time such mango juice in a week.Initially when this brand came in market around 2004 year may be.
Then I found this product very tasty and worth the money.the quality of mango jucie was incomaparable at that when the time goee on.The quality of such juice gets reduced.still I dont have good reason .what should I say on this.
But most of the time when sipps.i just felt.some one has poured water in the juice.the quality of mango is not so much as I felt initially.
From whereever if I buy this product.i finds the same taste.Which really makes me irritated.cause I do not compromise with the quality especially when the matter comes of softdrinks.I moved on to tropicana slice for the seek of better taste and you know what.i find thr real taste of mangoes.on such juice.what the mangi tastes all about it.Now a days.i usually likes to have Tropicana slice in my refrigreator.And removed maaza from my list.
Mazaa is no more good for any is just the bottle of mixture of water and some littpe bit mango flavour.thats it.2
So I suggest do not buy this product.