Fullfilment of a dream overhals and budget that have plagued the picture gibson to reprise the role that made him a star writer and director his collaborators it years ago budget of fury road..w
WEll over$150 million director by George miller vehicles while they in motion everything we see here seems to have sprung fully formed from the same cheerfully and watch this movies motion and creative picture are best sound very fully metal track system and enjoy this film FURY OF THE ROAD,
"Mad Max: Fury Road" has a consistent theme and repeating symbolism that belies its simple exterior. Its easy to miss amid the flamethrowers, and explosions and muscle cars; but its there.
The explosion of that build-up is "Mad Max: Fury Road".
ury Road" is the labor of a filmmaker who had 30 years to explore a concept, love it, refine it and finally bring it to life. There is a depth and detail to this film that puts George Miller in a rarefied pantheon of directors. This film is his seminal work.