Madagascar - 2, Escape to africa, is out and so is my review! yay :)
Probably, after such a stunning start to the journey of the Zoo-entertainers Alex, Marty, Gloria and Melman, the penguins, and the new companions on their travel, Julien & Maurice, another exciting adventure awaits!
Somehow, a little less great than the first one I think, but not in any ways possible, a bad film! Mind you, its full of such enourmously funny scenes, you would almost refrain yourself from rolling on the floor laughing, if you can! :)
Little less because, of the non existence of a getting used to the characters, the introductions, you start off from a faint idea of the characters, and you are laid back a bit because of that!
Plot -
After, settling in with the inhabitants of madagascar, the Zoo-family heads home, lead by the infamous penguin gang, but as an obvious twist in the tale, end up in Africa( Escape to africa, get it? :P)
And to Alexs surprise, he finds his real parents and has to prove to them his worth for the kings throne! The resulting adventure is one ful-filled ride full of fun-frolick-laughter, you wouldnt want to miss!
Characters -
We all know our good old characters, marty, alex, gloria, maurice, julien..
The new improved characters are -
The old lady, who kicks alex in part 1 remember?, she has a part to play and its hilarious! :)
Moto Moto - The talk of the town hippo, who is into Gloria, sneaks in some really funny dialogues.
Alexs parents - The new family of alex, the king(Zuba) & queen of the reserve in africa!
Macunga - The bad lion, who tries to steal Zubas(alexs dads) place in the reserve as the king!
And the penguins, skipper and gang as always never miss an opportunity to make u laugh!
And the small teeny follower of king julien, he is such a sweetheart, as always the cutest character!
Dialogues -
Moto Moto: "Uhhh... What? Aaaanyways, where were we? "
Gloria: [sigh] "Im huge? "
Julien: "Whatever happened to the separation of the classes?"
Maurice: "Im sure this whole democracy thing is just a fad."
Melman: "[as the plane is going down] I love you, Gloria! I always have! "
[Gloria is sleeping & Alex, Marty staring at Melman]
Melman: "I mean, I love you like I love the beach, or a book, or the beach."
Monkey: "Work will not continue until we discuss our terms with management. Fist up, maternity leave. "
Penguin: "Maternity leave?"
[after looking under the table]
Penguin: "Youre all male! "
There are a million of them funny lines, which ill leave you to discover and cherish and im sure, youll enjoy every bit of it! :)
Some of the best scenes,
a) The scene where the penguin gang steals the jeep from the safari troop! "I will give him the kiss of life", the look on the penguin haaha, superb! :)
b) The scene where the monkeys complain about the management and demand maternity leave! :)
c) Julian makes Melman confront julia about his love!, "you gotta rise up, and you gonna go right up to this woman, and say Baby I dig you!" :)
d) The scene where Alex confuses marty with another Zebra! "Ok run way marty, run away!" "Im here, but you cant tell!"
e) Skipper penguins marriage lol! wont tell you the bride, its for you to decide :P
The best thing about these such immensely popular and adorable aimation flicks is their close proximity to reality, characters like Alex, Marty are so realistically portrayed and such simple-mindedly executed, that you can do nothing but adore & admire the creativity and brilliance of the movie-credits! While watching, not only madagascar, but any recent animation flick, let it be kung-fu panda, or the toy-storys or wall-E, the characters are believable and remain close to your heart!
Fun, elegance, entertainment, with stress given on minute film-making details like the voices, the background themes, even the smiles & emotions are so very realistic and thought about, that you fall in love with them! I certainly did, and im sure you will too!
Coming to the final verdict, a notch lower than the first part I think, but a real entertainer! Same old super characters with lots of fun, hilarious dialogues, and a lot of charm all the way!
Not to be missed! A great movie to drool over on weekends!
So, get yourself a ticket, and join alex and gang in this ful-filled entertaining adventure into the wilds of africa, and forget yourself for a while to enjoy and relish your moments with "Alex", "Marty", "Gloria", "Melman", "Julien", and ofcourse, the "Penguins"! :)
Hope you like the review! Have a nice day! :)