Good to see that someone has already written a review on Madagascar - let me share some inputs from my personal experience. I have been to this country, at least 15 times (and I live in Hyderabad) - all were business trips.
The down side of Madagascar are:
Too much of traffic in the capital city, which slows down your daily routine. Corruption levels are not under control, Money overcomes emotions.
On the upside:
Lots of unexplored places to visit, very high business opportunities, some of the rare floral and fauna life. Boabab trees, Lemurs, Fossas, Tomato frogs are endemic to this country. There ARE snakes in Madagascar, like the Madagascar boa, Leaf nosed snake, Brown snake and a few others.
Fortunately, none of them are poisonous. Its the Chameleon paradise and also a very great place for birds. Air connect is not too great. Shortest distance is thru Mauritius, but they do not have daily connects. through Nairobi, its everyday and around 12 hours from Mumbai.
People are good, food is lovely with a variety of cuisine. Rains from Jan upto March sometimes to April too. South western parts have some of the worlds best beaches, and its more of a dry region, all throughout the year.
Currency is Ariary, which hovers around 2100 units to one USD, as on 1st Jan 2014. Colored stones are a great attraction. Its among the largest producer and exporter of vanilla. Clovers, cashews, ground nuts, pepper are other bests from this country.
If you plan to visit this place, and need more inputs, you may please write to me.
Naren Shiva.