- MouthShut does not have a topic on Religion. That is why I am posting this review here. Also they have spelled the name wrong Madina when it should be Medina.
Every year Muslims have the opportunity to travel to Medina in Saudi Arabia. The Koran suggest they take this Pilgrimage at least once in their life time, (if they can afford it). This is called the HAJ and it is one of the 5 Pillars that are the basis of the Muslim Faith.
Medina is considered a sacred City that only Muslims can enter. Their Prophet Mohammad was force to leave Mecca, (622 AD), and he went to Medina.
Muslims are the largest Religion in the World, (over 1.45 billion People). This is a very small City with a population of about 25, 000 People and when the Pilgrims begin to arrive from around the World there are not enough Hotel Rooms to accommodate them.
Tent Cities are built around the City to accommodate the over 2 million Pilgrims.
Muslims follow a lunar Calendar and so the Haj takes place for one Week during a different Month in the Calendar we use. This year, (2003), it began on February 7th and ends on February 14th.
Before a Muslim can make the Pilgrimage the must be able to memorize the chapters of their prayers and they must pray five times a day. Fajr (Morning prayer), Zohar (Afternoon prayer), Asar (Early evening prayer), Magrib (Prayed just after sun set but before night falls) & Isha (the Night prayer).
When they reach Medina the can visit the HOLY QURAN, (their Holy Scriptures), that is in the Prophets Mosque, (one of the many Mosques in the City). They have to wash their hands, meditate to make their body, mind and spirit pure before they can look at the Books.
The Ritual has two meanings. The first is to commemorate the time when Abraham was willing to kill his Son, Isaac, because G-D ordered him too. The second is that the People are meant to retrace the footsteps of the Prophet Mohammad.
Men must be dressed in white sheets, (that are not sewn together), and Women are required to wear an unadorned Kaftan.
Everyone then can go to the Holy Mosque to see the tall black monolith stone called the KAABAH, (the Muslims say this is what is left of Abrahams Shrine).
The Mosque is between two sacred Hills and the Pilgrims have two choices of how they will preform their obligation, (what every one the select they must pray the entire time).
The first choice, (and the most popular), is to circle the Kaabah seven times. The other choice is to walk or run between the two Hills seven times.
Every year the crowds are so thick that people walking around the tall black stone get trampled on. Some die and others are injured.
The Camps are also a dangerous places as well!
Im sure that you know that I am Jewish and so I never could enter Medina. So why am I writing this review?
The last year that I was a Travel Agent my Muslim Friend, Eddy, asked me to arrange a trip for him and his Father to travel to Medina to take part in the Haj.
I was able to get them onto a Tour that was taking Canadian Muslims. The problem was that they would have to sleep in a tent City.
Mr. A. was a very rich and dignified Man and I couldnt picture him living in a tent. Neither could his Son who tried to talk him out of the trip.
Mr. A. insisted he would be fine and they joined the group in Toronto to Fly to Mecca and take a Coach to the tent City.
The second day they were there after dinner and evening prayers Mr. A. went outside to have a cigar. He tripped over a peg that was holding his tent up.
He broke a leg and a hip. The Group Leader called the Ambulance Service who took him to the Hospital. Eddy phoned me from there and asked me to get them back to Edmonton.
The Planes were all filled and they wouldnt be able to leave earlier than their Tour would.
I had to find a private Plane to fly in from Jordan to bring them back to Amman. From their I was able to buy 3 First Class seats, (Mr.A. need two so he could lay down), and they did get home.
Today is the last day of the HAJ and I wanted to wish anyone who is Muslim and reading this Peace and Happiness always.
- Please ignore the things I had to fill out to post this review.
Comments are always welcome and ratings dont matter.