1 . The first name of Madina-e-Munawwara was Yasrab. Its climate was not healthy. It was the called the city of diseases and problems. Its water had bitter taste. Viral diseases were very common here. No one used to like to live here but The Last Prophet Muhammad (S. A. W.) chose this city to live after leaving Makkah.
2 . After the arrival of Prophet Muhammad (S. A. W.) this city became the city of pleasant weather and healthy atmosphere. Its surrounding became peaceful and The Prophet (S. A. W.) changed its name from Yasrab to Tayyaba or Munawwara. .3 . In Arabic MADINA means CITY. So, its full name is Madina-al-Munawwara which means, The City of Lights. It is also called Madina-e-Tayyaba which means The City of Purity
4 . When Prophet Muhammad (S. A. W.) came and settled in Madina he prayed Allah and begged :
O ! Almighty Allah, Your Prophet Ibrahim begged for Makkahs People,
I am also Your Prophet, I beg for Madinas People. You may Please Put Benefits in the Measurement and weights of Madinas People. You May Reward two times more to Madinas PeopleOn one occasion Prophet Muhammad (S. A. W.) said that He (S. A. W.) had chosen Madina as his home (HARAM) same as Syedna Ibrahim (AH) had chosen Makkah for his Haram.
5 . Once Prophet (S. A. W.) said that the man whose heart had EMAN (Trust / Belief), he would come to Madina-e-Munawwara just like a snake which runs towards its hole. On one occasion Prophet Muhammad (S. A. W.) said, who kept his patience over the difficulties and hardship during his stay in Madina, He (S. A. W.) pomised to spare him from his faults on the Day of Judgement.
6 . Because of Prophet (S. A. W.) prayer (Dua), Madina-al-Munawwar is now an attractive and modern city of the world. In the Night its colourful lights are incredible. The green dome and coloured designed Minarets of masjid-e-Nabvi started to look as soon as one enters in the city. Modernly built fly-overs, bright under ground roads and beautifully organized trees, bushes and coloured fountains along with roads have enhanced its beauty. Huge and big buildings, International Hotels and beautifully constructed apartments, double its attractive looking. Keeping aside its spiritual and religious importance Madina-e-Munawwar may be compared against other most modern cities of Europe and America.
7 . Madina-e-Munawwara has an International Airport. It is not very near to Masjid-e-Nabvi, however, taxies and busses are available to carry passengers to Haram 24 Hrs. This city is connected to all the big cities of Saudi Arabia and other cities of the world The main bus terminal (MOQAF) is very near to Masjid-e-Nabvi where from the busses of Saudi Arabian Bus Transport Corporation (SABTCO) are available after every hour for pilgrims for rest of the cities of Saudi Arabia and other countries. THE PROPHETS MOSQUE OR MASJID E NABVI
1 . In the last stage of his journey (Migration), when Prophet (S. A. W.) left Quba (few Kilometers from Madina) his Camel stopped walking and sat down in a open area of Bani-Bukhar. According to Prophet (S. A. W.), it is our last destination and this is Almighty Allahs order. It was the the land of two orphans - Sohail and Sahal. These two orphans did not want any cost of this land. They said, we shall take reward of it on the Day of Judgment. They wanted to give their land voluntarily to beloved Prophet (S. A. W.), but kind hearted Muhammad (S. A. W.) estimated its cost which was paid by Syedna Abu Bakar Siddiq (RA) from his own pocket. It was the place where the Mosque of Prophet (S. A. W.) was decided to built.
2 . In early stages it was only a piece of land where there were some graves of polytheist (Mushrakeen)and on the other side there were some trees of dates. And some part of the land was full with rain water. In first instance all the trees were cut and a mosque was built which roof was very short and can be touched just raising a hand up. After this initial stage, it was constructed with mud which was brought from the place where today the grave yard of Madina (Janat-ul-Baqqi) is situated. During this construction not onlythe companions but Prophet Muhammad (S. A. W.), him self worked practically. Prophet (S. A. W.) brought bricks and helped his companions to build this spiritual mosque.
3 . Todays Masjid-e-Nabvi is the model of unique construction. Big beautiful halls, modernly constructed domes, high minarets, sliding roofs, big umbrellas and beautifully designed pillars and ceilings are really incredible.
Lighting system is so impressive that no one feels when the sun sets and artificial lights replace it. Graveyard Jannat-ul-Baqqi which was thought out side the city, now looks just out side Masjid. In Masjid-e-Nabvi entrance gates of male and female are separate. Generally females enter in the mosque through Bab-un-Nisa. Baqqi Gate is the gate where the Rodha-e-Prophet (S. A. W.) is situated. Ladies use Bab-e-Jibrael, next to Bab-e-Baqqi for presenting their Salaam to Prophet Muhammad (S. A. W.)Ladies are allowed to present their salaam only in two times in a day. Firstly after Fajir Salat and secondly after Asar Salat for an hour. Male persons may go any time from any gate to present salaam to Prophet (S. A. W.)
5 . According to the saying of Prophet (S. A. W.) There are only three mosque in the world towards them a Muslim must travel to offer prayer. Masjid-e-Nabvi is one of them, and other two are Masjid-e-Haram and Masjid-e-Aqsa.
According to another saying of Prophet (S. A. W.) Almighty Allah blesses benefits of one pray fifty thousand times more than the pray which is offered in any other place
RODHA -E- PROPHET (S. A. W.) - The Shrine
1 . Once the Prophet (S. A. W.) said, If anybody comes to Madina to see my grave, it will be just like as he saw me in my life, however, he would not get the honour of my companion.RIAZ -UL- JANNA (Garden of Heaven)
1 . The area from the house of Syeda Aisha (now shrine of Prophet S. A. W.) to Musala-e-Prophet
(S. A. W.) is called RIAZ-UL-JANNA. In arabic, Riaz means Garden and Janna means Heaven. Therefore, this part of Masjid-e-Nabvi is called the garden of Heaven.
2 . Riaz-ul-Janna is actually a part of land which kissed the feet of Prophet (S. A. W.) thousands of time. Prophet (S. A. W.) use to walk bare footed at least, five times in this area in a day. Really, we may feel grood over this piece of land. Almighty Allah, also love this small area of land and because of this fact, He (Almighty Allah) has decided to lift it up at the Day of Judgment as a Garden of Paradise.
1 . This is the first mosque of Islam and has very spiritual importance. In holy Quran it is said that the foundation of this mosque is laid on Taqva(Sincerity).
The Reward of a Prayer in Quba Mosque is Just Like a Reward of One Umra