Alagappa University is located on a sprawling and ideally suited expanse of about 420 acres in the business town of Karaikudi in Sivaganga District in Tamil Nadu.
This seat of higher education has emerged from the galaxy of institutions initially founded by Dr.RM.AlagappaChettiar. Alagappa University was brought into existence by a special Act of the Government of Tamil Nadu in May 1985 with the objective of fostering research, development and dissemination of knowledge in various branches of learning.
Most of the students come to study rural area.It is one of the best university in
south region district.Here all courses fees less compare another university.
It is develop university.
Alappa University educates many poor people. South region people developed
It situated at karaikudi around 100 villages. All people studied under graduate, post graduate and Doctorate.
The DDE was established in 1992 at Alagappa University and over a decade it has made a tremendous growth with 52 different type of course offerings and with more than 40, 000 student enrollment. Most of the programmes are innovative and job oriented. In 1995, the University introduced M.Phil. Programme through Distance Education. At present M.Phil. programme is offered in 10 disciplines and more than 4, 000 candidates have enrolled in these programmes.
Similarly, the DDE is offering excellent diversification of Management Programmes and more than 14, 000 candidates have enrolled in different Management Programmes