They have some strange process of verifying if you paid fees or not. The matter does not end when you give your demand draft and collect the receipt. And they will very conveniently not keep account of who paid and who didnt pay. So when time comes they spring a surprise on you and say "prove that you paid fees!". And showing that receipt is useless. They ask for statement from bank. When you provide it, they will ignore it. So you want to talk to them but good luck with that. Any time you get to talk to them, they will say, we are trying to confirm your payment, and the records are in the godown. And if you persist, they transfer you from one person to another, and none of whom will introduce himself, or say which dept he is from or what post he holds. They will drive you absolutely nuts.
This is what happened with me. Ultimately a man from another department said I can get the certificate if I pay up the fees all over again. So this is how they twist their system to accept bribe money readily converted. You have been warned -- dont deal with this rubbish university.
If you need more convincing, just see these links.. they are cries of similar victims of these 420 cheats: