As every one knows maggi 2 minutes noodles is a product of Nestle, which is very popular among india and malasia but few month before maggi was banned for five months by the central goverment because maggi dopped with high content of MSG and lead in to it.Due to which the consumer of maggi get dissappointed.
I also like maggi 1.5 - 2 before because at that time the taste was good but now a days the taste is not satisfactory & the maggi masala present inside the pack is kinda weak in taste.according to health maggi is not good for your health nestle cheated with thie breaks trust of thousands of customers in a moment.
The lead content was about to 4.5 ppm in some states which is harmful to health.IF you are that type of person which is health consious than maggi is not good for you.
packaging is good.It looks like a great product but remember that books are not juge by its cover.may be you can attracted towards maggi packaging but you will get disappointed when you get informed by newschannels that maggie is not doing great or not holding a health product requirement.