Again I m here 2 share my experiance wid this unique n trensetter product..Launched in way back in 1982..this product needs no introduction in india...since last 27 years this product had acquired a generic status in india..
Being a part of the generation which became youth with this trendsetter hunger satifier..i had a lotzzz n lotttz of memories from late 90s to even present. The present marketing initiative of n ma maggie is very touching one... everyone had a special attachment with this product...
Launched as a product meant for kids upto 10 years...this product had satisfied the appetite of even youngsters tooo.
*sum facts>>>>>>>>>>>>>
-launched in 1982 originally with two version one with topselling masala flavour n other chicken noodles with a moderate sales figure.
-its two minute instant noodles slogan is one of the highest recalled n popular commercial ever produced in india.
-infact in india the topramen noodles which has created the very first noodles in world war had never found competition with this was very hard for them to stay in india wid lotzzz of radical changes
-remember "mummy bhookh lagi..."tv advertisement of 90s a hysteria generator for this product...every kids lunch box had essentially maggie in his/her meal
-competitors had always figured its false advertisement compaign about 2-minutes preparation ...yet were a failed tale.
-time to time maggie had introduced various flavours..yet its masala noodles r still topsellers ..
-maggie effort for kids education was viable one in 90s...many other initiatives r supported by maggie
-to cash on popularity of maggie brand...verious new line of products r introduced under maggie brand name like tomato sause...*
such r some of facts about our very favourate maggie noodles...
sum flash back memories of mine about this noodle....
*-i think I was about 5 years old when my mother had firstly prepared this noodle a confussion was in her mind whether this noodle will be suitable breakfast substitute or not ....
-maggie was our best companion in rainy days..when it was totally raining outside n we guys persuade our mother to prepare it ...i miss those kiddo persuassion n little lying with mother..
it really tastes to our expectation...
-it was the first thing which I learned to cook along wid tea in my school my parents absence...we friends used 2 experiment it in our unique way :)
-even in my two year stay in management course....we guys find it very easy to cook maggie whenever our cook did not came to cook in nights...
-nowdays there is multiple varriant of maggie ....yet masala noodles is mine favourate :)
such **is mine experience with this unique noodles...from nestle...
i know maggie will continue its leading position with same quality consistency....
my wishes 2 this unique noodle which has changed the very perception about initially maggie find its really hard to sell itself among indian peoples as people were sceptical about noodles...
latter all those doubts were over now....
now maggie is intigral part of many people like me who are still habbitual of this noodles..
*feel free to comment n share ur experiance