It has seen India winning the World Cup, witnessed the Pokhran Tests, gone through 9/11, and is still going strong in 2008... yes, that is Maggis 2 minute noodles, released in 1982, making it a 26 year old brand.
Who among us has never had a packet of Maggi in his/her life? Well, I cant think of anyone that I know of, and indeed, for many of us, it has become a staple as comforting an cup of hot chai on a rainy day (ok, maybe not THAT comforting ;)...
I write here my experiences and memories associated with Maggi, and how I have seen the brand change in the market...
My first bowl of Maggi was at my hometown in 1990, when I was sent to an uncles place for the day, since all the elders had some other business to do. The only person there, apart from me, was my cousin sister, and she was a bit stumped as to what to make for me, since I (at 4) was really fussy about food and would refuse to eat anything unless my mom cooked it... she too did not know what to make, so she decided on a bowl of Maggi (Masala flavoured). And voila! It worked! After a lot of cajoling, I finally had a bite, and the noodles were manna from heaven :).
I think Maggi had only 2 flavours going in for it in the initial years, Chicken and Masala. The Masala flavour is the most popular, while the Chicken has still survived till date, even though I feel it is just a very salty recipe.
Anyways, that was my first helping of Maggi, and whenever I used to visit that Uncles place, lunch would always be Maggi, sometimes with a bit of carrot and beans in it, sometimes plain and simple.
Of course, now that I look at it, Maggi isnt really a recipe for healthy living, I mean, a packet of Maggi has around 400 calories! And there isnt really anything you would call Fibre in it, so you really need some fruits or veggies unless you want some constipation.
Maggi of course, as we all know, launched Atta Noodles a few years back as a healthy alternative. But I still havent found it really nice or palatable enough, and then there was another experiment in the form of Sambar noodles... now dont get me wrong, I like Sambar with Idlis, Dosas and Rice... but definitely NOT with my noodles.
One loss I mourn is the Maggi Chinese Noodles which were being sold a few years back... granted at Rs. 15 a packet, it seemed too much. But for me, that would remain the best tasting instant noodles you could buy in the market, especially the Lemon Chicken Flavour. Nestle India, could you pleeeeaaasseeee relaunch it? You have a loyal customer here :).
Competition has come and gone in this category, and if you are looking for an alternative to Maggi, there are the Wai-Wai Nepalese noodles, which are nice, but taste a bit too oily and salty, and the Top Ramen Noodles, which are also fine.
Maggis latest iteration are the Cuppa-Mania noodles, as competition to Top Ramens Mug Smoodles, but at Rs 25 for a packet, they are just too expensive for home consumption. But they are a great alternative when you are traveling, for you only need hot water to cook it.
Chungs have also recently launched a range of Noodles, but at Rs. 15, they are too expensive and simply not tasty enough to sway me from my favourite 2-minute noodles.
Let me recount the number of Maggi flavours available right now in the market. There are Masala, Chicken, Tomato, Curry and some different flavours in the Atta Noodle Range...
Oh, almost forgot, Maggi also has rice noodles these days, but they have also failed to sway me.
I guess it is more of an emotional connection, of associating the Maggi Masala with heady memories that makes me turn back to it time and time again... not to mention the fact, that it is one of the few things I can cook properly ;).