Few Months ago Maggi was banned. Now the real question arises weather Maggi is safe to eat? Let me remind you the full detail When Maggi was banned : -
This Maggi controversy all began when VKPandey, a 40-year old Barabanki based officer of the Uttar Pradesh Food Safety and Drug Administration, collected samples of maggi last year for tests so as to find out whether Nestle India contained any monosodium glutamate-MSG( commonly known as Ajinomoto) , a taste enhancer, which is not only present in Maggi but in mostly all packaged food items.A test in a lab revealed that the amount of MSG content was more tha the accepted level. Now, if you are planning to have Top Ramen or Sunfeast Yipee or any other noodles instead of Maggi then you should think twice because at the end of the day its all tasty poison you are enjoying.