Since I was desperate to change my job , I did not do any background verification on this consultancy .
The list of misdoing in this company are:
1. they take away ur original marks cards telling u some lame reason like background verification . but u know very well that they want to hold it so that u wont jump to other company did I conclude this ???well while I was giving away my marks cards they told that they wil return in 20 days . later my joining date got postponed to other 1 month . so I promptly asked for my marks cards after 20 days , ie 10 days b4 my postponed new joining date . and they refused to give it and gave some lame excuses lik ur marks card is in hydrabad , they are doing back ground verification on u etc, I mean com on , there will b lakhs of students passing out in a year and I passed out my 10th lik 8 years back , its impossiable to do background verification using ur marks card . its a LIE . and they gave me my marks card back only after completing 1 month in my company.
2. I have an relevant experience of about 2 years . since I was desperate to find a new job I did not negotiate and joined as a contract employee in this mnc for a period of 6 months , and now thats a terrible mistake , plz never underestimate urself . after joining the company I realized that a permanent fresher joining in my company is getting way more then me and ur package goes from company to this consultancy and they take away GOD knows how much , and they give very little share (hence the metaphor "mosquito food" ).
3. plz never join as a contract employee bcos in the company u wil b treated as a ghost , no one even knows if u exist , during team meetings u will bcom invisible if u bother ur PM for some work he will giv u some kinda work , which is highly impossible, which is not at all required by any1 , there will b no end dates on this work (bcos there is no such requirements ), no 1 will ask u for updates ( bcos they dont know ur existence) , they just wanna keep u aside u might ask me "then why did they hire me in the first place?" . well according to clients there are some fixed number of ppl working in there project but some1 left all of a sudden , so thay wanted a bakara to add up that number and I was that slay goat.
4. this magna will tell u that the comp wil make u permanent when the contract period is over , but NO
they will just extend ur contract period , bcos if u bcom a permanent employee of the company then they will not get there "lionsshare" of ur original package paid by that mnc . so basically u do some ridicules work , and they take away major part of ur pay every month without doing any work.
so the lessons I learned in this episode of my life.
1 . I should change my company again ,
2 . This time while changing never accept any offers in terms of contract , how much ever huge mnc it might b
Suggest my friend never to join as a contract employee.
Stay away from consultants like magna etc.