I had requested for a Test Drive of a Honda City and on Tuesday (Sept 28th) Mr.Vinay from Magnum Honda called and promised me that he will schedule Test Drive on Saturday @ 11 AM as I requested and a reminder call will be given on Friday. Nothing happened on Friday and when I called @ 10 AM in the morning on Saturday, he told he is in a meeting will call me back in 10 minutes.
Nothing happened till Noon and after talking to another Sales agent on same Honda dealer, Mr. Vinay called me back to say, he can arrange the Test Drive @ 4 PM. I rearranged my other plans for it waiting for it to happen. @ 4 PM Mr vinay called to say car is on the way and one of his friedn will call me when he reaches near my home, but Nobody called me. when I tried to call Vinay after that he was not picking up the call also.
If this is the service/customtakeouter service by Magnum Honda when I am a customtakeouter trying to buy their product, I can only imagine how the service will be after buying the Honda from there
Honda needs to take care of their Sales & Service to back up their good product, otherwise due to this reason only customers will choose other products