Been to Panchgani Health Resort recently. The location / view seems ok, but the accommodation is very average. The problem is that the rooms are too close to one another. There is absolutely no privacy and the resort resembles a chawl when full. The noise level goes up very high and one can actually hear what is being spoken in the next room.
There is nothing healthy about the food served at the resort and the prices are very high. A normal Veg Thali which would cost Rs 60/- max in Mumbai, costs a whopping Rs 120/- out here. There is also no choice and one has to eat the Gujarathi thali only which can cause you stomach to go for a major upset, should you eat the same thali for lunch and dinner. Again no other choice of food available.
This is definitely not a place go if you want some peace of mind. The Panchgani Health Resort is at best a place to go for noisy ’’Building Picnic’’, Recommended stay one day [maximum] only.