A horrible place to be in - even a normal person may fall sick. At present there is construction/repair work being done. Can you believe - they do marble cutting with the rotary cutters (creating that enormous sound) just outside the patients rooms on the private wards (adn they do it the whole day by the way - God save your patient). The nursing staff is absolutely clueless. Duty doctors totally unco-opeartive. If you go to their canteen (attendants do feel hungry at times!), rest assured.
You are going to get a feeling of being sick. No parking space. Over-crowded. People in the administration (admission, billing, discharge) do not even lift their head up to talk to you. The ladies there talk about sarees when you are waiting - a typical government hospital look. Every patient who walks in seems to be a Trustees relative for outsiders. It is a real horrible experience.