My mother was admitted to the Maharaja Agarsain hospital for a brain stroke and we took her to the hospital within an hour of the Stroke onset. My cousin brother, who is a doctor informed me that, there is a life saving drug called TPA, which needs to be administered to stroke patients within 3 hrs of stroke onset. Too my surprise the doctors at Agarsain refused to administer the drug, stating that they were not equipped. Whereas small dispensaries in Punjab administer this drug to stroke patients(within 3hrs). Later, we had to face the doctors with all sorts of wrong treatment information and patients status. The hospital staff didnt even give her the adequate medication(evident in the discharge summary, she was on beta blockers which werent given to her while she was at agarsain)
A MRI test was to be done, it is required for the stroke patient and takes 10-15 mins but the hospital staff took 5-6 hrs before they took the patient for this test. In the mean time they were using the equipment to do this test on OPD patient. They werent sensitive enough to give priority to the emergency ICU patient. Post MRI, I was given a wrong medical advice. The doctor stated that it was a large infact and there is great risk. (My doctor at max stated that is a moderate size infact). Doctors at agarsain are completely incompetent.
Thankfully, I decided to shift her immediately to MAX saket and once I called them, the MAX staff took care of every thing, including the transfer from Agarsain ICU to Max ICU. We didnt keep her at Maharaja agarsain for 24hrs, but they messed up the case and it took another 10 days at MAX before she could come back home and even after 2 months she is still recovering, whereas one single TPA could have ensured her recovery in 24hrs. Shame on Agarsain doctors.
Even this was not enough that Agarsains account staff kept Rs1300/- refund from advance to themself. When, I went to them to take the refund, they produced a fake receipt with signatures of my mothers name. But they didnt know that she was paralyzed and there was no way she could have signed. I even went to CEO and later to MS(Dr Bansal). CEO agreed to take my application and give me the copy of fake receipt. Whereas the MS an utter nonsense person, refused to accept the application and give me the copy of receipt as he was afraid of legal action. Instead, he asked me to leave the hospital immediately and one Mrs Ritu(Accounts officer) assisting him and stated that I have abused her. The even threated to file a sexual harrasment case against me. Guess who got the raw deal.
I was not only robbed of my money and more importantly, my patient didnt receive the adequate medical treatment. I would advise you all to stay at home instead of going to this hospital as you are safe at home than with quacks. MAX saket is very good for Stroke patients. My doctor at MAX, Dr. Reddy told me(after looking at my moms reports) that he would have given TPA to her without a doubt. Shame on Agarsain. Please avoid them. I even met another family at MAX and even their patient(stroke) got the same treatment at Agarsain.
One important piece of information, if you find a person who is paralized at one side(one arm or leg or entire one side) take that person to the Hospital within 2hrs(1hr doctors would take to do the tests) of the onset of this condition. If this is a stroke then the doctors would do a CT and do some blood tests before administring TPA. TPA can be given within 3hrs of Stroke onset. Stroke is caused when a blood clot enters the brain and TPA is a clot buster.