Rs.60, 000/- for Maharashtra State Electricity Board (Will be metioned as MSEB later) is something which is being told to all potential flat buyers by the builder! This is towards the installation of electricity meter etc.
Sofar I was not having any hassles with them. Well, electricity supply is always an issue and by and large we have learned to live with this brutal truth!
Also, we started enjoying it as it gives us time and space to come out of the flat and interact with neighbours, some other outdoor activities.
But before two days, something terrible happened which is not yet resolved and I am expecting MSEB guys to disconnect my connection for non payment of bill!
Innovation in billing
The electricity bill still comes in the name of the builder and all the paper works I have done to convert this to my name proved to be one of the most futile exercise I ever ventured in my life. I can write a 5000 page review on this, but later!
At the same time, I was so excited to explore a feature where by which I can pay electricity bill online.
http://www.mahadiscom.inis the website. You can register yourself and can have access to your electricity consumption with all fantastic graphical representations, bill details, how to calculate electricity bill (well, anyone who can understand this will be considered for nobel prize for peace as majority of MSEB employees also could not explain this to me so far). And the most prominent feature is that you can pay your electricity bill online and can have the receipt!
History of issues
For the last nine months I was pretty happy with the system and never faced any hassles. But alas, in the month of October, I realised that the payment didnot happened due to some issues in the payment gateway (and so many other jargons which flew of my head). I realised it when the bill for November came and checked my bank statements and confirmed that last months payment didnot happen. With out any delay I made payment for both the months thourh online facility of MSEB itself and this time got confirmation from bank that the amount is paid! Sigh of relief didnot last long. Yesterday those monsters came home!
Encounter 1
I got a frantic call from my father in law "MSEB guys are about to disconnect our connection"
Oops, "mera naak kat gaya, How to face inlaws now". I tried to spoke to the guys who came home and they gave me the number of MSEB Office. Here goes the hilarious conversation
Sajith : "Sir, My consumer number is 160231406449"
MSEB: "Regarding bill enquiries you have to contact Main office and note here" And was about to disconnect
Sajith: "Oh, Bhau - you have not even asked what is my issue. It is not about enquiry about bill but something similar. There is some one in my flat who is going to disconnect my connection"
MSEB: "So? If you dont pay bill, connection will be disconnected"
Sajith: "Excuse me, You are not talking to any uneducated person on the street. Hear me out first before passing comments, will you?"
MSEB: "What? Ok, tell me --"
Sajith: " I have paid my electricity bills yesterday throug internet and today someone came to disconnect my connection, how is it possible?"
MSEB: "So, show him some proof and he wont do it."
Sajith: "Excuse me, if I make some payment through internet, it will reflect in your system, right? And I generally dont take any printouts and keep in home because I never faced any issues so far. And if you insist on receipt, then you need to wait till tomorrow as I am 30 KM away from my office and is at work"
MSEB: "So, you dont have reciept, why are you blaming me. If you make payment, you have to be ready with reciept!"
Sajith: "My dear friend, dont you understand Marathi (This is english version of dialogue). I am away from home. And why the hell you cant check your system and confirm whether I made payment?"
MSEB: "We are in a small office and dont have any computer or internet. So, We cannot check"
Sajith: "Then that is your bloody problem man. Better you check up with your so called BIG OFFICE and dare you if someone disconnect my electricity connection even after I pay bill"
MSEB: "Sir, dont be angry. I will speak to the person but get me the receipt by tomorrow"
When the dog got firing, he understood.
Encounter 2
I have logged to the system and tried to take receipt. But alas ------ the message "Please wait for three days after payment to reflect your payment in our system"
I have never noticed this.
So my question
a) Why the hell MSEB come up with the novel idea of online transaction if they cannot instruct local offices that payment is received with out any delay?
b) What is is the bigdeal if they do something to generate the receipt instantly? Money is going from my account instantly!
c) On what basis the "Disconnecters" are being instructed to do their job with out verifying facts and figures
d) Where should I break my head to get justice?
I cannot make the buffalo to learn Upanishad!
So - better to take precuation.
a) I took printout of my bank statement where in Rs.2480/- was transferred to MSEB before a day
b) Another printout from the home page of MSEB where in it is mentioned that "it will take three days to reflect payment in the system"
And followed by a quick session to my fatherinlaw explaining the documents so that he can deal with them. Well, only positive thing is that he assured me "Dont worry, I will manage them. You dont take tension"
And finally - I am not sure by the time I reach home whether I have to search for candles!
Long live MSEB!