I passed out of the same college some years back, at that time college was under university control. It is sitauted on Amabala - Yamunanagar - U.P Highway. One can also reach the college fro m kurukshetra, via shahbad. When I took admission there were near to 22 colleges in Haryana, but now there are 90 +, However my review irrespective of the past and present are below
Good bus service, seems to be chairman has utilized his experince efficently. Bus driver use to crib that there is no scope of making money, as lala has all accounts on his finger tips
Hostels and mess are OK
Academics were more or less governed by university at that time, so lala has no control.
Thanks to university affilation maximum of batch is placed, though TCS came for placment, but maximum of batch got placed because of there own efforts.
Bus journey by Govt buses, which used to come inside the campus was awesome, as it was the journey which taught everybody what does "survival of fittest mean". Those who dared to travel by bus, can face every situation in life.
College used to provide bus service at nominal charge at the time of mass recruitment exams at far off places like Bhiwani etc etc....
Labs are Ok, By requesting to HOD Computer labs, Arrangments were made to open the lab till 10 -11 PM.
Lab Assistants (LAB-ASS) thinks that they are no less than lala, pump them and get your work done.
Now the college has become deemed university future seems to be dark, as students may not be able to appear for higher exams, where they ask for college name. Please do check this year CAT form, to see which category current students fit in
No strikes, No way to get the deemands through
Far off campus, less visibility to industry
Lala, the great, who has a bad reputation in city nearby is the only authority, rest principal and directors etc etc are puppets in there hands
5 Now a days, after it has become deemed university quality of education is decreasing.
Library is OK, in terms of number of books and book turnaround time is huge. Student can get only two books issued on his/her name for just 14 days. Wheras some college issue 5 books 2 for session and 3 books for 10-15 days. Thats the reason Popular Book shop can afford to have shop over there
Some money minded fanatic fools in such a noble proffession of teaching like Harish Kumar (Chemistry) Jhakka (Physics) & Jhaaki forces student to buy books authored by them. Photostat shops even refuses to photostat them.
When course was set by K.U. it was difficult to find whole course material in a single book, and books from where it can be found was never there in library.
One special note on diwali, college used to open up for 1 or 2 days in between Diwali vacation. With a Fine. Fine System Started with Rs 200/- for one day of absence and slowly climbed to 500Rs. During my stay.
We used to call it as Lalas Diwali Bumper !!!! :-D