I passed out from the same university in 2014. And now I am working in D & S Solutions singapore. I think if you want to study and you are a good student then college and university doesnt matter. If you have some aim or target regarding your future then nobody cant stop you.
Overall MMU is a good university. Because in this world nothing is perfect. But if you are good everything will be good.
Regarding placement:
They organised campus placement every year and if you are good student then proove yourself and get the job. Because university cant give you a job.its all depends on you.
And 2 books are issued for 14 days only. I think this one is the negative point. Because near the final exams students
Face problems regading shortage of books.
Extra Activites:
Time to time various evevts are organised in the university like workshops, science quiz and many more events which explore the students knowledge.
All the faculty members are not same. Some are more cooperative. And lab assistants are also supportive if you Are willing to learn then everyone go for your help
Annual sports are organised every year and many sports are over there.