BMJ hospital in bangalore is a nightmare if you are old, ill, dont have family and friends for support.
A family friend 72 -year old man who is an amputee was admitted after a stroke. Test after test after but not a single docter informs us what is wrong, how is he doing. Lots of medicines are ordered which is bought, and it is left to his wife to give his medicines! No one seems resposible for the case, docters come and go after saying Hello, how is he doing? Night duty nurses sleep all night.
As for the documentation, it is ridiculous for a hospital in this day and age not to be computerised. All reports, prescriptions are in almost illegible handwriting.
Incidentally, we wre also told that it is better to take the patient home as he is oll and weak and is likely to contract some infection in the hospital.
my advice, maybe out patients with minor aliments, highly avoidable if otherwise.