Dhoni is more than hitter... its his personality and attitude (with teammates of course) that has led to the turnaround of snatching victory from the jaws of defeat.. rather than earlier when we used to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, best batting lineup notwithstanding.
On this rustic controversy, why complain about the rustics taking over, being rustic or aam aadmi is not such a bad thing. Majority of us would be in that category... UPA govt came to power because of aam aadmi :-).
Now the main reason I wrote this review: mouthshut web page itself says review on this product. If Dhoni and other personalities are now products, and no one is complaining... then you get what you asked for... an instant high, quick excitement, and when the product has been gulped down / savoured, and forgotten, you only start craving for the next product to gorge upon.... If at all there is a problem, we guys/gals/public/janata created it in the first place.
On serious note, I dont mind mouthshut enlarging its presence to cover personalities and people, but at least change your web pages to refer to them as people, not products!