Hi frnds, I would like 2 write my first review on MAHESH-TOLLYWOOD SUPER STAR . Im a hardcore fan of him. hez d son of living legend super star krishna.he started hz actng career as a child actor nd later he was re-introduced as a hero wid d flm rajakumarudu.
I was vry much impresed by hs perfmnce. he is one of d top heroes in tollywood. he is damnn cute nd mesmerizes d audience wid hs dialogues nd figths.he bagged 12th plce in d list of timesmost desirable men of d year 2010. hez superb in evrythng lyk fights actn nd evn cmdy.hez unique in slctng movies hez not nly an actn hero also done wid family orientd movies, cmdy nd wat not evrythng . nd recently ha has evn given a title cldUNIVERSAL STAR.his recent flm dhookudu is a block buster nd became d hghst grossing movie in d tollywood. now he is also makng hs debut in bollywood by a flm titldthe businessman.hpe he also creates wonders in bollywood nd rockzzz as usual.