Seriously after a long time a serial which is down to earth and reveals mental status of people who r suffering from obesity, but in a positive manner. The lady who is playing character of Mahi has done a great job and 100 % justice with it. Her way of expressions and dialogue delivery and acting is awesome. Its really worth to watch Mahi Way. The serial runs in such a manner that you stick to your seat. You doesnt even want to loose a single minute.
Heights of creativity reveals in the title song. Its really awesome. All the characters as mahis best girl friend (gay), her lady friend, her mum, her big sis and jiju are all doing justice with their roles. The way she handles others humiliation regarding her being a fatty gal, is really amazing. the confidence shown by mahi even after she doesnt look good, is a source of inspiration for all who feels inferior for any reason, it may be obesity , dark skin, short height etc.