As M&M has reduced the price of Balero by rs 35, 000 and improved the features.
And requirement is used Balero for good price.
What you guys gentlemen suggest on this vehilcle on its
Price of used Balero:
How is maintaince cost: Is is high or low. In tems spares and so on
What is the performance of used Balero: Mileage, A.C suspension
Which variant of Balero-GLX, Sports, Invadar, DX.
My Needs:
Invest as less as possible(may 1 to 1, 5 lakh).
Have less maintaince cost.
Need to have Rugged vehicle.
No need to be fancy like electronic items or radial tyres or MP3 players
Can some one help in getting used Balero- in BANGALORE. If any of offering, then please let me know.
I wont be planning to buy brand new though I heard about it, as my usage is mainly for Farm
Thanks for your help.