I have water leakage from both sides of dashboard. Due to this leakage which causes due to rain body wash wiper activity e.t.c water droplets fall on ECU and other wirings which turns on"check engine" light.
When ever chekc engine lights switchs on vehicle looses pick up milage and sometime stop abruptly. I took my car to service many times (India Garage Mysore) though they claimed we have fixed leakage issue I still got it during resent mansoon rain.
"Check Engine" light appears intermittantly after wash and causing problem very oftenly. For this. service center claims this is a known issue and no fix yet.
I have lost trust hope on M&M and completely dissapointed with their service product knowledge customer focus poor quality of engineering sub standard plastic parts e.t.c
I have decided I will never buy any of M&M products here after and also never suggest any one either to go for any of M&M products.
Shivaprasad A.D