Mahindra Centuro, poorest among many. I am using this bike last 1 and a half years and after 7 months of use there is a bad sound problem in its engine and all alluring features stopped working after few days of service.
The main problem is distributor and service center does not give me proper service. The service providers does not know to give respect. Purely disgusting experience. The Milage. oh my gosh. What to say about it. Its very less.
Moreover, the irritating sound the Engine makes is a way to insult yourself in the Public. It irritates me as well as the others. Total waste of money. The front display is also diminishing in its value. One more major problem is warm up time is more, it takes more than 10 km distance and before that if you pull the clutch liver engine gets off. Again we have to startup by pushing start button. It will be a Khatara bike after 1 and a half months of regular use. No body is ever willing to pay even 5000 for this. I am now struggling to sell this piece of garbage. Look wise so so. fuel consumption - 5/10. Overall a Bad experience. Do not go for it.
Thanks and Good Day.