I bought my Mahindra centuro a year back(31-sep-2013) and drove 6457 km till day. I brought This bike for two reasons;1) Its an Indian product. 2)Advertised as Best Mileage
1) Comfortable Riding
2) Stylish Look
3) All advanced features
4) Low Cost
1) Biggest Drawback Mileage: I filled it with 100 rs after DTE becomes 0. it is gave me 60 km. Now you can calculate how much it gives for a liter. Initially it gave me 60-65 per ltr. But slowly with increase in no. of services it started decreasing. Points to note is I always kept under 48 Km/hr speed on a rare conditions I Will reach between 55-60. Will explain why in later points.
2) DTE dashboard is not working properly. If I fill with 200 DTE will keep empty with no digits. After consuming Some fuel. It will start showing DTE 128 Km.
3) As I Specified earlier why only below 50 km/hr is as soon I reach to 47 km/hr my hands can feel the vibration clearly and heavy increase in sound. with which I was frustrated a lot.
4) I purchased my bike in Bangalore. I have few complaints with the bike which are never solved by the service men instead after each service im experiencing new problems which are solved when taken to mechanic. 1)Problem with rear shock absorbs produces sound on dump roads. 2)Engine will put off when slowed down on second gear even though clutch is closed. 3)accessories are cheap in quality.
5) Resale. I cant make a comment on it.
Conclusion: I am not sure is this because of service centers inefficiency or the product itself is not capable.
I suggest u guys if u r well known to a bike purchase a better one. If u want to learn bike then go for this because is is cheaper.