I am owner of Mahindra Duro for around 7 months+ and has clocked more than 5500 kms so far. So far so good. With great debate I purchased it since it has Mahindra tag and quite good nos. are seen on the road.
My experience
Quick availability
Right price Tag
Excellent storage space (whole of my laptop back pack can fit into under seat storage which is certainly useful during rainy season. Other time full faced helmet can be stored. Front dicky is also useful)
Reasonable good average I am getting
a. 37-40 if continuously driven in heavy City traffic (This is true for any gearless scooter..
b. Mostly I get 40-45 as I drvie it to office (my daily avg running is around 25-30 kms)
c. On highways I get 45-50 (but this is rare)
Service in Pune is good.
Ride is comfortable
Sitting posture is good
Leg space is good
Looks are good
Engine is just smooth
2yr Warranty upto 20, 000 kms
6 Services free , 2 paid
Currently I see clod start in the Pune winter is also surprisingly good so far.
Initially I took care that first 2500 kms I just drove it speed below 40 kms/hr
- Twice battery was changed (but this was without any debates.It was Battery manufacturer fault. Backup battery was given.This battery problem even I had with my Honda Dio). So if anybody is planning to buy a scooter you can think of it.
I will update my experience after 10, 000 kms.