I gave my vehicle once for a wash with wheel alignment and balancing at MFC-Madinaguda, Hyd. They just washed the exterior vehicle and left the interior. when questioned they say that the package is just for a wash. Cr*p! Second time when I gave for a wash again as it was near to my home, they stole the Tupperware water bottles, 20 pack imported cigars, pillows from my car. I did not check but later I called them and informed the same. A lady promised me to check out the matter and neva called me till date (its been a year).
The customer support people call from Pune for feedback and when I reported this he said he would call me back with an update, but no call till date. I went to the shop and enquired abt my stolen items, they said why did you keep them in the car when its given for labor work. Dont they have the responsibility of keeping things safe?
I wonder what they also stole from the car!