Well if you ever read this review you are 2 in 10, 000.
1 First not many people know there is any such vehicle.
2 Not many know Mahindra actually launched the same vehicle again when it knew it did not sell well earlier.
3 Surprisingly Mahindra has not made any changes to the present vehicle and expect us to buy the crap.
So the only humans who ever bothered about this Kine are the people who were a bit tempted about its price and just wanna some runabout scooterette.
I am the first 1 in 10000. I walked in some small showrooms and they showed only the Rodeo and Duro.
Finally one dealer, after finding my determination (and to sell his Rodeo), finally brought a Kine which was returned back immediately after some one bought it.
The intelligent people in Mahindra have just painted the old Kinetic Kine with a thin coat and it shows, paints were peeling off from the plastics. We had difficulty starting the thing and the two stroke motor and just about does its duty.
So overall its ugly, plasticky, Chinese quality, amateurishly painted, outdated, nil residual value and list goes on.
And it was a waste of my time, dealers time and Mahindras time.