I recently took a test drive of this vehicle from rough roads to Palm Beach Road, Navi Mumbai. It was great. My family enjoyed the back seats and commented on the excellent leg room. I have also test driven CHEVVY-UVA and Getz. Definitely it is woth serious consideration since the pricing is almost same as a premium hatchback. I am looking into 1.4 glx . CAN SOMEONE TELL ME ITS MILEAGE(1.4 GLX).
Regarding the suspensions and power both were fine. One has to test drive Logan before forming a opinion.That way it will be a fair review. There are no frills like defogger etc in the mid size segemnt. But the dealer tell me that just put the heater on(facing glass front side)and use the wiper -Defogger may not be required at all. Is that the case? Incidentally it was raining snd with AC on the wipers did a clean job.
I would request earlier logan buyers with their latest comments.