VFM( value for money) is one the most widely used acronym when it comes to describing the indian consumer and I think renalt and mahindras have done their homework pretty well.....Logan is truely a VFM product to have hit the Indian roads.......Ever since I first heard of the price tag and saw the car, I knew this is what I was always looking for.
I bought the vehicle a month after its launch and I feel I made the right choice.......although I bought a 1.6 litre pertol, I think 1.4litres suties indian conditions much better..mileage is close to 12 and is a no frill car.....well I dont about other places but I had pretty good experience with the dealer in blore both for sales and after sales.....if you want something that offer u a mix of style and performance then this is the car.
I personally feel that the real competitors of Logan are Aveo and Fiesta...while Aveo is all style, fiesta a fairly good performer thjen Logan just falls between the two..now u have to take a call, what suits ur personality........happy hunting......cheers