I have taken a test drive of logan and swift diesel on same day. Fisrt of all I had a doubt about 65hp common rail engine whether is sufficient for this size of car. That came true when test driven it. On slopes it behaves like indigo. Its cluch is short. Also you will get confused whether you are pressing brake or accelrator because brake pad is very small. Streering response is pretty good but engine surely lack power. But it should be ok for those who can ready to get use to it. But if you are paying so high price it can not be tolerated. Funny part of this car is indicator arrows, it will not show which direction indicator is on. It can not be tolerated in top end model. It looks like manufacturer is not serious about India. I doubt about the reliability of this car as weight of this car is kept low. If people start move in backside seats to take a seat and if you observe the car from rear, it strangely move down. This I have not seen in any car. May be because of long wheelbase. Surely logan diesel car does not deserve the price. 1.6 petrol which I have not tested, I guess may be better value for money.
Tested swift diesel same day, following is comparision:
Engine performance:
Swift is way ahead in pick up than logan.
In swift you will not able to figure out whether you are driving diesel or petrol.
NVH is well content in swift. there will not be any vibration and noise inside.
Logan you will feel little bit of vibrations and more audible noise.
Ergonomics and driving:
It is much better in swift than logan.
Except big space, logan diesel does not offer much at high price.
This car niether fits in C nor in B segment because it does not beat either of segments cars by performance or features.
Europe and US has a use and throw culture, thats how people may find this car cheap to use and throw
and popular in that segment.