Test driven logan GLX1.4, GLX1.6 and DCI .5 yesterday.
My conditions: usage is limited to city(on weekends and sparingly on weekdays) and once or twice a month on highways to my native 200+kms up and down . also would be using it for mangalore ghats and other ghat sections .
Hence targetting petrol version .
GLX1.4 drive is smooth but the power is lagging especially if ones wants to overtake vehicles(useful on highways) . GLX 1.6 drive is similar to GXL1.4 .however there is more power when accelerator is hit and can overtake the vehicels easily . DLX1.6 was good and has got power .
Good comfort . good road grip and holds on to road .
please let me know which petrol version to buy and how is the safety of the vehicle as it is evident from the quality of metal used . and the mileage b/w GLX 1.4 and 1.6 GLX and is GLX1.4 enough for driving on ghats(as I have concern for its pick-up)
also, am looking at Dzire VXI (since the trademark of maruti) and checked one parked in bimal auto agency .could not test drive as there are no demo cars available. So, has to see swift petrol to get the idea of dzire. Could not do also as the time was the factor .
Prices(as per Sireesh auto agency):
Exshowroom: 4, 59, 504
Onroad: 5, 35, 131
waiting period:2-3 weeks
Exshowroom: 4, 85, 158
Onroad:5, 67, 229
waiting period:2-3 weeks
Dzire VXI(as per Bimal auto agency):
Exshowrroom:4, 79, 767
Onroad:5, 53, 589 with integrated cd player , good interiors
waiting period:6 months
Please do let me know