I do not own one, but I got a chance to test drive one. I always wanted to, and I am used to test driving new/different cars. Dealer: Vijay Auto, Bangalore.
Note: Scorpio comes only in diesel now. Petrol engine is stopped long back.
-- Driving position - I never felt comfortable. Yeah, I do not own an SUV, I own an Ikon, but I have driven multiple SUVs - Innova in India, Town & Country, GM BUICK, Toyota Highlander etc in US. So, Scorpio wasnt the first SUV for me to drive.
-- Gear Shift - Pathetic. Yeah, I know I need to get used to a different car (SUV:), but it has lot to improve. Yes, it has a titled gear shift different from a typical car, but inspite of that you will miss the gear more than you hit it right.
-- Right rear view mirror - Pretty average big SUV Mirror. Left rear view mirror - Below average. For a big SUV, you better have good rear view mirrors. For me, those are very important. Left rear view mirrors sucked in Scorpio.
-- I am 510". The driver entry is too high. You have to jump a little, hop a little to get in.
-- No climatic control in top end, no electric rear view mirrors,
-- It is diesel, so steering shakes in neutral, they say it is expected. Mirrors shake a little too.
-- I wear a 8 number shoe. My left foot (shoe) kept getting stuck by something while releasing the clutch. I had to consciously press the clutch with the tip of the foot to workaround. I was wearing a normal sports shoe - no afghan Jooti.
Middle row quite spacious.
Sharp turns - It swerves out of the lane easily. Possibly expected - dont compare it with a sedan.
Comes in 7/8 seater option. You can choose one of the two.
Very solid body, gives a feeling of a truck:), good colors, huge tyres, alloy wheels in SLX, fog lamps, USB MP3 Player, tilt steering, tubeless tyres, side step, 2 12V electric outlets, 2 AC outlets for front and middle row, Hi-AC, Low-AC
I drove it till 110kmph speed. It wasnt vibrating as much as I had thought. Didnt feel the speed. It was moving effortlessly. Dealer told me that it goes till 140 easily with no issues and can be pulled up to 160-170kmph. Well I didnt try that...
It delivers 115BHP of power as compared to 101 from Innova.
Turning radius: Average
Overall: If I have to buy an SUV, I wont buy this one.