I read all the reviews about Scorpio before buying one in September 2007. My problems started from third day after purchasing the Scorpio. Though had some good driving experience, but the overall experience at the showrooms garage has been very bad.
Need some advise on how to fix the latest problems I have been facing with Scorpio.
The entire Scorpio vibrates when I cross 100 KPH, did wheel balancing & allingment at the showroom, now the vehicle vibrates at 120 KPH. The mechanics at the showroom says its tyre problems & they have informed JK tyres guys to come & test the tyres. If its tyre problem then they will replace all the five tyes. My worry is what if its not tyre problem, please help/advise.
The belt has started making a lot of noise recently, mechanics fixed it after 4 attempts. Now the noise comes when I start the vehicle for the first time in the morning & disappears after 20-25 KMs. The showrooms says its common, but I not convinced that its common as my Scorpio has only run 13000 KMs. Please advise.
Any help is welcome as this is my first diesel vehicle & always owned a petrol car.
Other problems which has been fixed -
Clutch pedal used to make a lot noise, showroom replaced it thrice with new clutch pedal assemble, got it fixed fourth time when they replaced the clutch pedal asseble along with the lining assemble.
Started just went wrong & the vehicle wouldnt start. Showroom informed that the starts from Mico bosch had some technical problems with the later batch in 2007. Mico bosch repalced the starter with new starter (new model). Had to wait for 5 days.
Fuel filter had to be replaced as water in fuel light was on always, not sure why.
Fuse for cigratte lighter, music system, fog lamp just snapped in the middle of high way. Got it replaced from the showroom.
Vehicle used pull to the right always, had the right disc changed.
Please share if you have placed similar problem & how it was fixed. Also which service center is better in Bangalore. Right now I give it to Sireesh Auto