Latest Scorpio upgrade is a step towards maturing an already-existing vehicle, so I’m not going to get into describing all the details that have not changed much and everyone already knows about. M&M (according to other reviewers) have fixed the old rear suspension issue to a great extent, and in my opinion they should have stopped the changes there. I thought the looks of the previous (late 2005) model were far better. The image that comes to my mind when I look at the new model is that of a very muscular, macho man trying to look better by dressing up in a sari and
earrings. Some of the nicer light or moderate metallic colours are gone and only much darker or over-bright ones are available now. The new front bumpers (splash guards), the integrated running board and the rear tail lights are loud and hideous, and the less said of all the other little new exterior trimmings that stick out or shine here and there the better. But maybe I’m the only one that thinks so, so I’ll open my umbrella now in anticipation of all the spit the diehard Scorpio fans might send my way.
I anyway went ahead and booked it because having driven a friend’s Scorpio earlier I thought its a good, paisa-vasool vehicle, especially at the intial promotional price offer, which has since closed. I also think that the interiors of the vehicle are really adequately suited to a medium-sized family that wants to travel out of town in comfort for a spin every now and then, regardless of the state of our highways. It all comes down to the price - only. If one can spend a couple of lacs more, then I think that the Innova is a far better engineered and more mature vehicle to spend on. But I also think that one shouldn’t really compare what is basically a refined jeep to a higher-class people carrier.
A couple of months later, with M&M still completely silent on a delivery date, and my booking deposit losing interest each day, I cancelled my booking and opted out with disappointment at the way M&M seemed to be taking me for granted. The only reliable delivery information I could get was that the die for the rear spoiler had broken in the factory somehow, so vehicle deliveries, if and when they happened, would be minus the spoiler. The spolier would be sent later, and when that happened I was supposed to run back to them and get it fixed. No rebate or apologies for this, of course, and obviously no delivery schedule commitment for the late part either. As far as M&M is concerned, the customer is quite clearly just a hungry, drooling moron who should be grateful for the opportunity he is getting to buy their brilliant product.
They just couldn’t wait to put out their promotion blitz all over the media and eagerly lap up the booking deposits, even though they seemed unready to really begin full-volume production of the new model. Their initial promotion offer seems to me to be more a disguised exercise to study the early demand patterns by variant and then revise the pricing upwards for each of them. This is, of course, only my guess based on the fact that they didn’t really seem to start too many deliveries until the price was revised. They certainly knew what they were doing when they stated on the reverse of the order booking form that the booking deposit provided no interest in the event of a cancellation. And naturally, the final price applicable at the time of delivery is the latest revised one, not the one prevailing at the time of booking (I had booked during the promotion period).
Personally, and as a matter of principle, there is a limit to the amount of crap I will take. The Scorpio is a good vehicle, but not worth this much disrespect. This is 2006, not 1976, and I’d like to remind M&M that the socialist days are pretty much over. If they could wake up, get off their high horse for a while, and smell the competition outside their factory windows maybe they’d learn a thing or two from all the foreign companies that have come to town and are runaway successes in no time, thanks to careful product selection and great respect for the customer.
Apologies to those who were looking for a true Scorpio vehicle review, but I felt that apart from the product and the dealer, its also the manufacturer that could need a review. In my case, the dealer (Vijai Auto, Bangalore) was good, professional and courteous, even after I cancelled. They refunded my booking amount quite promptly, within 2 working days of my cancelling. Through no fault of their own they are losing the future stream of service-related revenues from one tiny customer, but in a country of a billion+ people I know there’ll always be enough buyers for the Scorpio. Maybe this is the problem........