Hi, all you Scorpio owners I am the proud owner of a Scorpio Petrol Version and have done around 25K in 2 1/2 years. Recently I had a braking problem and when I took it to the service center I was informed that the whole braking system like the master cylinder, Booster LSV pipe etc would have to be replaced. I was surprised that the brake shoes have not yet worn out but all these parts would have to be replaced. I feel the service center is taking me for a ride or the quality of the scorpio parts are not upto the mark I have written to M & M and hoping for a reply or an explanation to the brake system failure. I have gone on several long trips to Coorg, Goa etc. and have never had any problems.
Overall the scorpio has been performing well the milage is about 8 KM to the liter in city driving and around 10 to 11 KMs to the liter on highway driving at an average speed of 100 KMS. I am now planing to install a K&N free flow filter and exhaust system with iradum spark plugs etc. if any one has any information on the usage of the above enhansments could please share it with me. My contact No. is 022 25707202 and email is gjd8158@gmail.com