I am writing this in regard to my Mahindra Scorpio that I purchased in December 2009 through NBS Int. Mumbai; MH 04 ED 6456 My previous two vehicles bought in 1999 and 2005 were Tata Sumos, and I switched to Mahindras on account of being fed up with the poor workmanship that I found in my second Sumo vehicle. I had heard a lot about the construction, ride and performance of Mahindra vehicles and so decided to change. When I tried out the Scorpio I was extremely impressed with your product.The mHawk engine is excellent with impressive pick-up.The suspension and handling of the vehicle are good.
In spite of the poor turning radius and the reduced internal space vis a vis the Sumo I was very happy initially with my choice of vehicle. Another drawback - serious I believe - is the blind spot on the right side of the windshield.After I bought my car I was repeatedly phoned by your representatives who kept on inquiring about my reaction to the vehicle - which I felt became a bit intrusive and premature. I put it down to a desire on Mahindras side, to be of service. I found that the follow up petered out with time - maybe just when it was needed.
My adverse reactions began during the rains when, on a visit to my farm during a wet monsoon spell, I found that the automatic door on the drivers side jammed and so did the manual, with the result that I could not exit from the drivers side. Fortunately I managed to clamber out from the other door - not convenient but at least I was not stranded. Now when I called Mahindras Help I went through a lot of misery explaining the problem and then being told after a lot of explaining on my side, that this was not really a major problem, was it ? !! And secondly, the problem must have happened because of the heavy rain". As though this heavy monsoon rain is something, God bless you poor unsuspecting Mahindras manufacturing guys, that suddenly sneaked up absolutely unexpectedly on us all. No help for me at all. I was referred to the local help person in my Thane District area, who when I called him, turned out to be of no help at all - besides not being able to speak functional English at all. By the time I reached Mumbai the problem had resolved itself with no help from your company.
My next issue was when I took my car - to your Parel Joseph Cardijn facility - for the second servicing. When I spoke to the company representative about the malfunction he seemed unconcerned - since he said it is working now, isnt it ? ; So true.I mentioned to him that my windshield wipers were excessively noisy, and he proceeded to try and convince me that that was normal noise.I told him too, that the horn seemed to die out if I pressed it for a few seconds, and again I was told that there was no big problem about that.
It seemed to me that your service people are not interested in my problems, or what I may seem to see as problems, but are more interested in convincing me that it is NOT a problem. Like, hey your door malfunctioned but now it works, so why bother anyone ?? No care that it may do the same one day when I have an emergency. Why worry now appears to be their motto. Windshield wipers noisy ? Hey put up with a little noise. Horn not functioning properly, actually it is ok..... It sure looks like youre trying to convince me that I should be satisfied with second best.
What really prompted me to write this letter - I confess I have been very tied up with other matters, and SHOULD have complained earlier, but this evening I tried to start my car and found that the clutch pedal had just died on me. I pressed it and it sank to the floorboard and stayed there. That really seems the limit. This probably irritates me more because last evening I received an e mail from a close friend - an Innova user, who was all excited after attending the Aria launch. Made me wonder if I had made a serious error in buying Mahindras, because I found yesterday that my door mechanism on the drivers door had once more jammed - which the service guy might try and convince me is not REALLY a problem now is it, since I cant start the car anyway with no clutch.
A sincerely disappointed customer,