We bought XUV W6 version hardly 2 months ago. While the looks of the vehicle are really very nice there are more problems that I found.
First time when I drove above 110 KMPH speed on Mumbai-Pune express way the steering started shaking violantly. When this was reported to the service centre they said may be thats due to bad roads or just an alignment issue. After a days stay at service centre the problem is as is and rather wheel alignment has been screwed up now and vehicle has started pulling in left direction.
Within few days the covering of the gear knob has come out. I was really shocked that they have simply pasted the knob cover with cheap glue in a vehicle of 12.5 lacs .
I regularly keep on gettingBoot open error . that they are not able to fix.
There is aMahindra purple club for XUV owners and we are supposed to get free pick up and drop facility for servicing. To my surprise whenever I call them they say that there are not enough drivers and you need to dop/pick up the vehicle yourself.
5.Global Gallerie showroom in Thane has not paid excess money that I had paid inspite of 100 of calls to them .(this is not related to vehicle quality but worth mentioning).
- I am a EX Maruti owner and when I compare serivce level of Maruti vs Mahindra I see a vast difference. Maruti service is excellent while Mahindra service is pathetic .
I request readers not to fall pray to the nice advertisements and do not buy this vehicle as the Quality is very very poor! I hope someone from Mahindra do read this review and get in touch with me .