We purchased a Mahindra Xylo E8 8STR vehicle in 2009. Our vehicle chassis number is 19403 and engine number is BV94J57720. It is a family car and is single person driven. The vehicle has done around 62, 000 kms so far.
We are having regular problems in our Mahindra Xylo vehicle. We have been regularly incurring lot of expenses for the repairs.
Few recent examples are:
Replacement of clutch plates in March’2012 which costed us around Rs.9, 000/-
Then in May’2013 we had to replace the high pressure fuel pump which costed us around Rs. 34, 000/-
Recently there was some problem in AC which again costed us around Rs. 8, 000/- to get repaired. We had been accommodating these expenses believing we had selected this vehicle and if our choice was wrong we need to bear the costs.
But recently we found that the vehicle has started getting badly rusted and the left door and body over the rear tyres is developing some holes due to this severe rusting. When we have shown the problem to the Mahindra authorized dealer he says this is not covered under warranty and has to be paid for repair. It is going to cost again over Rs.30, 000/- for the same.
When we ask them why this sever rusting has taken place, they have no answer. Mahindra has used poor quality sheet material or compromised on the finishing. This may be causing the rusting. Why do we need to pay for quality problems in Mahindra process.
Parts failing and needing replacement is understandable to some extent. But the vehicle body getting rusted and developing holes is unbelievable and unacceptable. It is a clear sign of poor quality of materials / process used by Mahindra.