There is suddenly a lot of hue and cry about the Xylo competing with the Innova. Depends . do you want to be seen driving the most stupid looking box in the world? Then buy a Xylo.
It has a reasonably good engine(by M&M standards, it is a breakthrough in technology and this and that, but how much that excites you, depends on where you maintain your benchmarks)
The Xylo also pumps in some "cool features" in the car to impress buyers - quite like the cheap Chinese mobile phones flooding the market today. A new-generation engine is the USP(that too is the result of indigenous research - with first-gen refinements pending . remember the Pulsar saga)Again - would a no-nonsense well-informed buyer be impressed? Maybe not.
Anyways - a relatively refined new-generation engine, streering mounted controls, talking gizmos and all that . thats the end of the story, and all that is INSIDE the car.
I consider the car I drive as a part of my Identity; an extension of my personality, like my clothing, shoes etc. At that price, you would at least have some inclination to look good in a car you own or drive right?
From the outside, the XYLO is the worlds stupidest, saddest, funniest cartoon project right out of a kindergarten picturebook, moving around on undersized wheels. MM designers have insulted Brand India to have come out with a design like that. I, for one, would not even want to be found dead in such an ugly vehicle.
Even a 40, 000 kms-run well-maintained pre-owned Innova is a better deal, any day, than this cartoon junk(read XYLO).
DISCLAIMER: All opinions and views expressed here are solely mine. I have not meant to hurt anybody(XYLO owners, sorry!)