Already Done 5500 Kms......So far so good......No Problem. Xylo is a smart intelligent car....VALUE FOR MONEY. You know one must learn to tame a animal to enjoy its ride. With the passage of time Xylo has become more friendly to me and absolutely under my control.
I am satisfied with the overall performance.Ist service is already done at 5050 Kms. Had one long trip from Delhi to Haridwar and Back on Xylo with complete family and we enjoyed the ride.Lets start review the basic parameters first.1. Space Inside - Beats almost all other competitors 2. Dealer satisfaction - Though not much in their hand but yet they try to do whatever they can. 3. Fuel satisfaction - I am getting 12 Km/Ltr easily. Though many times you can get 16 Km/Ltr on the DDAS.
Average it is coming as 12 only.4. Comfort - Comfortable Car but lumber support is useless. Headrest is much above my head. My height is 5’9". Car seems to be designed only for 6 feet high people5. Reliability - Mahindra must do something immediately to increase their after sale service support and increase their workshops and train their engineers.6. Looks - Except Black all other colours are stupid colours, though it’s subjective.7. Drive and handling - Drive and handling is much better compared to Scorpio and Safari. Though since you cannot see the bonut, it sometimes does not give you exact idea of space ahead and on non-drive side. Reversing is not a problem thanks to parking sensors.
Car really floats on road, you can feel better if you drive it as if you are driving an elephant. You need to take it easy with your accelerator. Not good for people who believe in full throttle and high pick up. In brief Xylo is a great car and very good for ladies and middle aged people who always prefer driving carefully and love value for money products.
Of course plastic is of inferior quality but still not that bad. Gear Shift though hard initially but now its normal.
DDAS is really good and in fact you can use it to improve your driving skill. DDAS makes this car a intelligent one. It gives you almost all kinds of information which generally high end cars are supposed to giveCons - 1.) Beware while shift gear from 5th to 4th as it may try for reverse gear if you are not easy on gear shifter. Mahindra must resolve this issue. Car must not go to reverse gear unless the speed is below 10 Km/hr.2) Clock display in sterio system is only for 5 sec once you press info button, it should be permanent as many people like this.3) Central locking opens all doors including rear one and you feel unsafe as someone may enter from behind without your knowledge.
Rear Door must have manual lock also besides central lock, it provide more safety in Cities like Delhi.4) Middle seat must have at least two bottle holders, it has only one presently.5) Glove Box design is so stupid that it looks big but actually is very small.6) A small glove box just below the Sterio is even more stupid, you cannot put even CDs into it.7) I bought floor mats from Mahindra and felt cheap stuff. It gets rolled with your shoes. Local markets have better product.8)Yes one problem that I faced is that rubber hose which connects to windshild water jet comes off very often. I have to get it clamped.9)Front windshield must have at least 5 inch wide reflective film at the top.
Sun is unbearable and falls directly on your chest.10) .....and Finally Mahindra and Mahindra must do something to improve quality of people in their Workshops. Worksop people are more keen to sell the accessories like teflon coating, etc. etc. etc. They must try to solve the mechanical problems first. Then they must try to see if they can remove the dents, scratches of car at low cost. Accessories come last. I was dissapointed at the first service since the car was not even properly cleaned and I really have to call their manager to get it cleaned and that too I called him twice. I also feel that Xylo being new car to them, probably they are not fully trained to handle the car. I was the most informed person regarding xylo in thier workshop. They were even not aware how to fold the seats. And.....worse.....when I asked one person why my car is not cleaned properly? He said, "Service Advisor will clean it". I really feel pity for service advisors working with Mahindra. Finally they even made bill for spares which were not even fixed in my car though I did not pay for those spares later.
But even after all these problems I still love my Xylo. I wish M&M train their people to handle Xylo Car at workshop so that they instead of selling accesories do something to give proper service to the customers. They must learn how cars are serviced in Marutis Workshop.
Regards PK Bhardwaj