The comrades at, the russian portal, provide the best email service on the net ( as of now. I find the service to be excellent. I used to be a big time Yahoo fan but since Yahoo stopped providing the POP3 and SMTP service, I am a total Yahoo hater. Thats the problem with capitalists, they want to make money from everything, its like they give you a service for free and then start charging on it and then when you are all habituated to it, you may end up paying those blood leeching capitalists. Well for me, ironically, the saviour was a service from an ex-communist country. I dont think many people from India would know of this service, I was actually going crazy because my whole email life was depended on POP3 and SMTP. I hate going to sites and watching those shitty ads again and again. So I just would download my mail and thats it. I tried a few Czech services which were pretty good but the connection was a problem.
Finally I found out this wonderful email service and I write this review keeping in mind my condition at that time. So anyone who is bored of their same old service and would like to get POP3 email service for FREE, is the way to go. Oh yeah one more thing, the site is in russian but theres also english section which is
Communism comes in play at the peak of capitalism - Karl Marx