The latest "gimmick" on the Internet, if it may be called so - is -
POST SCRIPT(addition) - and your ANONYMOUS Emails do not
necessarily have to be "minimum 150 words".
I did mention this in Feedback once but MouthShut moderator did
not like(?) the idea .
So now everyone of you have to go through a lot of USELESS rhetoric.
I always thought "Short & Concise" was "Appropriate & Wise".
Comment on this too, if you please!
Got to know about "it"(the ANONYMOUS Emails) "from friends abroad
and now use it often.
The message you send lands into the recepients INBOX but with no
clue about your identity; You identify yourself within the email.and,
that too only if you so desire!
For friends, you can use your I.D. like you would from any other Free
Mail Service.
I tried it and it is "FUN". Really, you can spook your friends with this
and they wouldnt know till you tell them. BUT-
Surely, there must be a lot of folks out there "misusing" the facility!
Comments invited!
ANONYMOUS Emails, Anyone?
Sanjeev Suri