I too signed up about the same time as the February, 2003 posters. At that time, service was great. I perceived about 99% uptime and had my questions answered when I needed support.
Since 2005, there have been a number of outages or delays. Ive never had any email disappear, however there have been times when it was completly inaccessible or important information arrived a couple of hours too late. What makes this worse is that customer support was slow to, or failed to acknowledge these issues.
Additionally, disk space, the web interface, and other features of MailSnare are behind the times. Coupled with the service issues I mentioned above, Id say this puts MailSnare below the top tier of email providers out there.
However, as a long time customer, Id still say they are worth consideration, despite the negative issues Ive dwelled on here. They have a flexible service for checking email and a basic, but usable set of options for manipulating whatever falls into your inbox.