Hi dudes and dudettess,
Maine pyar kiya is the story of prem (salman khan) and suman (bhagyashree). Their story is like saying opposites attract. Yeh, u guessed it both of them obviously fall in love. But like every Indian movie, or just any movie in general, if there wasn?t a problem or twist in the film, there would be no point in going to see it. While prem is the son of a rich business man, suman is the daughter of a poor mechanic??...
Anyways, there was one part of the movie which I found weird. Why did the director or producer or whoever, want prem to meet suman while he was on the toilet...:S:S - I mean talk about embarrasing!
Anyways that?s what happens. prems dad (don?t know what his name is in the movie, well call him saroo 4 now)and sumans dad(alok nath) have been best friends since childhood, both of them started poor, the only difference was that prems dad became successful and left alok nath- I forgot his name in the movie , and went of to become a big man in the city.
A few years later when alok nath had to go to some random pace ..forgotten the place ...he had to leave suman somewhere so he decides to take him to his bhachpan ka dosts house and what do u know when they arrive there, they find out that :
Prems going to come back the next morning(he?s been studying in America)
(...well I don think they realise it then but the viewers do)that prems dad is not as close 2 alok nath as he used 2 be.
alok nath leaves that night, and suman makes a new brother(she?s an only child) her new bro is...MANOHAR(prems childhood friend). prem comes the nest morning(salman khan) and then he goes to the loo, suman opens the door on him and that?s hero heroines first meeting.
then we have the villain(sarros new best friend and business partner also wannabe samdhi), his daughter, and her cousin(mohnish behl). these three are after prems wealth, there plan is to get villains daughter (seema) to marry prem and then whatever goes on from there...
basically, what happens next is that the two love birds fall in love:s, saroo does not agree he wants seema to marry prem (at this point I was shouting at the tv screen-nahiii, tum patchtaoge!!!) he then sends prem away on a business trip thing, and on sumans birthday alok nath arrives all happy and gay, but gets humiliated by sarro (the usual dialogue is used - don?t dream, u left ur daughter in our house so she would trap my son in your love cage ...vagera vagera......), alok nath angrily leaves with his daughter and goes back to the countryside. prem comes back and vows the usual wo is ghar ki bahu bangegi papa etc etc and leaves( the thing that was impressed me most about this was that the clothes that salman wore in the scene went out through the whole tough journey of the film, normally when the actor leaves the house with no other clothes or luggage, he miraculously gets a whole new wardrobe of kapare.)
When prem turns up at sumans house, alok nath is really angry!! He says all the stuff about him being humiliated etc etc. prem says how he didn?t insult alok nath but saroo did, so why should he get punished for his mistake) after much persuasion alok nath agrees 2 give him a chance but there?s also a deal! Alok nath says(translated): in the time limit of a month prem has to make hmm?.lets say a large amount of money , only then can he marry suman!
So? Does prem finally marry suman?
Does villain saab succeed in taking sarros wealth??
To answer those questions ??
O btw comments would be much appreciated too!