All of us have at sometime ridden a bike, or plan to do so in near future. Indian market is currently dominated by 4-stroke bikes, and a lot people have misconception that 2-stroke bike requires less maintenance, but then, its a misconception. All the bike whether its a 4-stroke or 2-stroke, needs a lot of maintainence. Keeping in view that all the new bike have safe period, in regards to maintenance, for about 2yrs, by performing a little tweaking on regular basis, you can increase the safe period to more than 5yrs.
I personally have devised a Time table that keeps my Bike in excellent condition. And for the record, I have driven high performance 2-Stroke and 4-stroke, for quite a while. The time table consisted to 3 Parts, Daily maintenance, Service maintenance and Off- service maintainence.
Daily Maintenance:
1.Dust your vehicle once a day.
2.Always check if your bike has oil droppings underneath it(especially for 2-stroke bikes).
3.Always start your machine for the first time in Choke, if your vehicle have been with engine-off, for more than 5hrs, choke start again.
4.While starting, pump the kick twice or thrice(when on choke), before actually giving the power kick.
5.Keep the engine warmed up for 6-7 sec, before switching to first gear.
6.Check Air pressure in your tyre, before starting for the first time, in the day.
7.Just have a glance at the emission.
8.Most important listen to the sweet sound of your bike(the best diagnostic tool).
Service Maintenance:
Get it done every 3mths, or 3000kms, whichever is earlier. Have a single serviceman/mechanic for your bike, who understands yours and your bikes need.
1.Change Oil 2T/Engine. While changing Engine Oil, get the complete residue oil out of engine, then keep it in the static position for sometime(while servicing of other parts can be done), then refill.
2.Air filter Cleaning.
3.Fuel filter Cleaning.
4.Carburetor Cleaning(remember, Petrol cleaning).
5.Tuning, fine tuning.
6.Spark Plug Cleaning.
7.Clutch Setting(Very Important for Mileage and Engine Performance).
Off-Service Maintenance:
1.If ever you had to change brake shoes, check of wheel balancing after everything is fixed up.
2.If ever you Suspension Ring/Seal breakage, get it done immediately.
3.If you have higher emission than usual, check for oil intake to the engine and fine tune your machine.
4.In battery, put only distilled Water.
5.2-stroke bikes, have the feature to start bike at any gear, never use that facility.
1.Drive According to your a your bikes capability, never exceed both, harmful for your as well as your bikes engine. The correct speed differ from bike to bike, you should judge it yourself.
2.Never make the bike drag itself.
3.Change gears appropriately.
4.Never use clutch to slow down the bike, brakes are there for it.
1.Fill petrol in early morning, because, in morning the temp is cold, and petrol gets out denser, the pumping machine calculates on Volume not on Density.
2.A bike in the hands of a single person behaves well, rather than in hands of many people.
3.Never Drink and Drive.
4.Never Jump Red light.
These are the few of my Experiences. I know not all are possible to follow, but still if you have these in mind, you bet you have a bike to be envy of.