1 . Buy a water pipe and a washer and fit that to your tap and clean ur bike once in a week.
2. I warn you not to run the water on the engine as the water may rus into the carb and spoil it.
3. I prefer u to buy a product( it is a polish) formula 1 carnouba polish, ull get this in any car decors apply a lil polish and rub it with a dry sponge and put the vehilce in the sun. Dont touch it for atleast 1 hr .
Change the engine oil every 45 days and clean the carb, air filter.
Check air presure twice a week atleast ( ull get good mileage)
Put on a good seat cover so that u may sit on ur baby for a long time.
Smoothen ur shocks a lil to the limit for smooth ride.
Hey thats all I do! I maintain this, and find my vehicle is clean every time see it.
Hey for the maintainance part:
First of all give ur bike for water wash then do the following
Give it to a mechanic very near to your house tell him to clean the carberatior and the airfilters and check the timing of the engine and set the tapets.
Tell him to set the chain timing and clean the rear drum and tell him to put castrol 4t into ur engine( oil change) and tell him to overhaul ur engine so that any loose nuts are to be tightened.
And tell him to do the wheel balancing and smoothen the shocks, And tighten the brakes, And the clutch.
Ask him report to you if anything wrong with the rings in the pistons so that u can replace that freely bcoz u have a warranty.
Hey any engine problem they will replace freely dont worry abt the engine dude.
Sit near the mechanic till ur work is done, Dont go anywhere as there r chances he can change parts.
Tell him to clean the spark plugs.
Check ur air pressure. And never bring ur fuel to reserve. Maintain ur fuel.
This is how I maintain it I have covered 7000 kms till now, and u wont believe it is just as new as new the day I bought it from the showrrom.
Hey I prefer you to buy( furmula 1 polish) if you have red, blue or black couloured bikes it makes ur bike look new man. Believe me, Teflon is only 10% before this. Just take a pinch of the cream put it on the sponge rub and rub and rub till u see it shine.
And put the bike in the sun for a lil while. Then u see ur face on ur tank as if u see in the mirror. This polish costs you 350/- and buy a sponge worth 9 /- thats all every weak end u do this and a new bike tadaaaaaaa!
Hey this box will give u arnd 300 poilishes if u use it properly. Believe me, and the big one gives u 500 polishes that will cost u 650/-!
Ok guys if u have a pulsar with you plzzz dont forget to set ur tappet atleast 2 times a month bcoz there is a lot of sound in the engine when that becomes loose. U can prevent that
Best of luck! Plzzz comment on this and tell me dont scold me if it is wrong! Hahaha.